
What I Think About Airsoft Game in Japan.



Hello to everyone . This is HIRYU what is team of AIRSOFT game in JPN. I’m Seto a member of HIRYU and I’m recruit so that I write something for novice here.
Now , this time , I write weblog to introduce ourselves to you though I’m poor at English . If anything wrong with my sentence , forgive me. okay?

Do you know what the hell AIRSOFT game is? Maybe you knew. It’s a recreational game with airsoft guns and light balled-pellets . So have fun with shooting each other ,
Airsoft guns launch pellets for very very low power (less than 1J by the pellet in Japan ), so you won’t be hurts if you are with proper equips (e.g. goggles , uniform , gloves boots and so on ). Exactly shooting someone has possibility of risk. However , obey rules, obey laws , be polite , then you will get something exciting time!!

However , I wonder if non-Japanese feels something different in airsoft game in Japan(by the way , Japanese call airsoft game “SURVIVAL GAME” )
The Japanese airsoft teams think it just sports!! Won or not , we satisfy with “fair and safe game”.

Many of Japanese teenager think that traditional policy is not fashion . So some of Japanese member think ” to shoot is fun , to win is good” .
However , I think Japanese traditional policy is something of virtue . It is like a faith of SAMURAI or BUSHI . So , it’s necessary “to be polite” in airsoft games in Japan ,

For example …. if you shot enemy’s face , then you may say him sorry. When you and your enemy shot each other at almost same time , both may say “I’m also hit” and get out of battle field together.
You feel funny? or strange?
But I think FAIR is very important in any games. Exactly , to defeat enemies is the purpose of airsoft game . But we ( I believe many airsoft team agree it) want all of players to have fun!! In order to do so , I and HIRYU never think ” selfishness makes others feel dull” . ( perhaps . To tell the truth , I did not listen teammates’ thought surely )

Now, based above sentences …

I’m afraid of that some non-Japanese players and young Japanese players are impolite. Impolite behavior , dirty words , some times break a rule … it’s not good in Japan , even if you are in a battle field.
Maybe it’s caused of difference of culture. It’s nothing… but , HIRYU need polite teammates . We are going to learn a good deal from airsoft game “AS SPORTS”.

You wanna join airsoft team in Tokyo and you agree with us , then you can contact us by e-mail or posting comment of our weblogs.
What if you wanna do fair airsoft game ? Don’t mention it . Go for it .
Thank you.


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